
Bonjour et bienvenue!
Welcome back to the UCS JB French blog 2012-13!
You will find a lot of fun activities, song and games but also examples of work. Remember to leave kind comments and only write your FIRST name. Enjoy!
Merci et au revoir!

Monday 20 May 2013

Friday 10 May 2013

Reminder: assessment revision!

Good luck to all the boys revising for their French assessments!

Years 3 and 4 will have a listening and a speaking assessment.

Years 5 and 6 will have a listening, reading and writing assessment in assessment week and a speaking assessment the following week.

Please revise using:

- your book, go over the work to make sure you understand it all

- for listening and reading revisions of the units

- Brainscape flashcards for Year 4:

- Brainscape flashcards for Year 5:

- Brainscape flashcards for Year 6:

- Record your presentation on and listen to your pronunciation. You can email me the link for feedback!

- Try to revise LITTLE AND OFTEN and do not try to learn all the topics at once!

Bonne chance!

Here are copies of your revision sheets if you have misplaced them!

Year 6 revision sheets YEAR 6 revision listening
Year 5 revision sheets YEAR 5 revision listening
YEAR 5 end of year revision sheet
Year 4 revision sheet YEAR 4 revision listening
Year 3 revision sheet YEAR 3 revision listening

Thursday 9 May 2013

Year 5: speaking presentation

Year 5 speaking will be on:
- name and age
- birthday
- family
- pets
- where you live and what there is in your town

Here are some examples:

Leo in 5W: 

Julian in 5W:

Louis in 5W: 

Joshie in 5C: 

Year 3: speech presentation - broken down by 3U

Name and age by Yuu:

Where you live and your house by Ben B:
Record and upload audio >>

By Jules:
Your family by Hugo:

By Niccolo: 

Your pets by Zac:

by Cameron:

And now the whole presentation: 
by Luca:

by Jacob:

Year 6: speaking presentation

For your speaking assessment, you will be given 2 topics from the following 5.
Here are some examples:

- Morning routine by Louis:

Record music and voice >>

by Jacob:

- Description of the day at school by Joel:

by Viren:

- 3 opinions on your subjects by Jacob:

by Alex:

- evening routine

by Gabriel:

by Zachy:

- future holidays

by Freddie:

by Ben B:

Friday 3 May 2013

Year 3: assessment speech example

Je m'appelle Pascal et j'ai huit ans.
J'habite dans une maison.
Il y a trois salles de bains, deux chambres et un garage.
J'ai une soeur et j'ai un frere.
Je n'ai pas d'animal. Je voudrais un chien noir.
Ma couleur preferee c'est le rouge.
Au revoir!


Good luck to all the boys revising for their French assessments!

Years 3 and 4 will have a listening and a speaking assessment.

Years 5 and 6 will have a listening, reading and writing assessment in assessment week and a speaking assessment the following week.

Please revise using:

- your book, go over the work to make sure you understand it all

- for listening and reading revisions of the units

- Brainscape flashcards for Year 4:

- Brainscape flashcards for Year 5:

- Brainscape flashcards for Year 6:

- Record your presentation on and listen to your pronunciation. You can email me the link for feedback!

- Try to revise LITTLE AND OFTEN and do not try to learn all the topics at once!

Bonne chance!

Here are copies of your revision sheets if you have misplaced them!

Year 6 revision sheets YEAR 6 revision listening
Year 5 revision sheets YEAR 5 revision listening
YEAR 5 end of year revision sheet
Year 4 revision sheet YEAR 4 revision listening
Year 3 revision sheet YEAR 3 revision listening

Thursday 2 May 2013

Year 4: speaking presentation

Luca in 4W:   

Jonathan in 4W:

Max in 4W:

Nicky in 4W:

Jack in 4E:

George in 4E:

Leo in 4E:

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Year 6: regular -ir verbs

I choose - Je choisis
You choose - Tu choisis
He/she/one chooses - Il/elle/on choisit
We choose - Nous choisissons
You choose - Vous choisissez
They choose - Ils/elles choisissent

Some useful -ir verbs to know:

Finir: to finish
Remplir: to fill
Reussir: to succeed
Rougir: to blush
Grossir : to put on weight
Maigrir : to loose weight

Use Brainscape cards to revise:

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Year 4: la meteo

1. It is beautiful        il fait beau
2. It is hot              il fait chaud
3. It is cold              il fait froid
4. It is bad                  il fait mauvais

5. It is sunny                il fait du soleil
6. It is windy                il fait du vent

7. There are some clouds   il y a des nuages
8. There are some showers il y a des averses

9. There is some fog        il y a du brouillard

10. It is freezing            il gele
11. It is snowing             il neige
12. It is raining              il pleut

Monday 22 April 2013

Year 3: survey on our pets

Click on the game to colour in the animals!

We did some survey work in class to find out the different pets in the class! Here are the results!




Et toi? Tu as un animal??

Friday 19 April 2013

Year 6: the future tense!

 After having looked at the presentation, can you now add sentences on what you ARE GOING to do during the holidays on the Wallwisher??

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Year 5: to have or to be??

Click on the link below to play the game, try to catch the bananas for the monkey!
JE SUIS un singe, J'AI une banane!!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Year 5: vocab animals and colours

1. Une souris – a mouse
2. Une tortue – a tortoise

3. Un oiseau – a bird
4. Un hamster – a hamster
5. Un chien – a dog
6. Un chat – a cat
7. Un cheval – a horse
8. Un cochon d’Inde – a Guinea pig
9. Un lapin – a rabbit
Un poisson rouge – a gold fish

rouge - red
bleu - blue
vert - green
noir - black
jaune - yellow
violet - purple
rose - pink
blanc - white
marron - brown

Monday 15 April 2013

Year 6: essay examples

Le Lundi

Je me lève à sept heures et je m’habille dans mon uniforme: un pantalon gris, une chemise blanche, des chaussures noires, des chaussettes noires et une veste bordeaux et noire. Je mange mon petit – déjeuner: des céréales et du pain grillé. J’arrive à l’école à huit heures dix.

Je parle avec mon copain Louis et au joue le foot. Les cours commencent à neuf heures moins le quart.

Le premier cours, on a un double cours de Sciences. Le prof est sympa. Puis j’ai un cours de maths informatiq’e et après c’est la récré. Pendant la récré, je joue au ping pong. Aprés la récré, il y a un double cours d’EPS. J’aime l’EPS! À l’heure du déjeuner, j’ai orchestre. C’est intéressant. Pour le déjeneur, je mange poulet roti et des pommes de terre rôties. C’est mon déjeuner préféré!

Àpres le déjeuner, on a maths. J’aime les maths – c’est important. Àpres les maths, on a anglais. C’est ennuyeux. Notre dernier cours est géographie. J’aime le prof et c’est intéressant.

Je rentre à la maison à quatre heures dix et regarde la télévision. Je dine à six heures vingt, avec ma soeur. Nous avons les pâtes et pesto. Je me couche à huit heures et demie. Bonne nuit!