
Bonjour et bienvenue!
Welcome back to the UCS JB French blog 2012-13!
You will find a lot of fun activities, song and games but also examples of work. Remember to leave kind comments and only write your FIRST name. Enjoy!
Merci et au revoir!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

End of term fun!

Well done to the boys on their end of unit tests recently! So, as a reward, we have been watching some French Christmas carols. This was the favourite:

Here is a new website to use during the holidays to make you practise and remember what you have learnt so far in 2012! Remember to practise little and often!

I wish you all "bonnes vacances" et "bonne annee 2013!"

And finally, here is a fun Christmas animation to watch! Enjoy!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Year 6: brainscape revision for end of unit test

Year 6 can practise some of their vocabulary and grammar using flashcards on:
Remember to practise the vocabulary in your book and writing the words down for practise!
Good luck, bonne chance!
Here are some tips written by boys on how to help you learn:

Wordle: Untitled

Thursday, 15 November 2012

FRENCH CHALLENGE - 22 Novembre. Yr 6: healthy eating presentation by Jake S and Jacob B

What does a healthy meal consist of? Do you agree with Jake and Jacob's presentation? What do you think about it?
 FRENCH CHALLENGE: how do you say potatoes and peas in French??

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Year 3: classroom instructions to listen to!

Click on the following link to hear the instructions:

Year 6: using regular -er verbs!

Here is two grammar videos explaining all about the verbs!

 Here are some of the sentences that the Year 6 boys are able to write in French! Can you think of more interesting sentences? (add as a comment!)

French challenge: 5 novembre

Read the following description and find out which famous cartoon character it is!
 (there is a clue in the latest French magazine Allons-y!)

Je suis petit.

Je suis tres intelligent.

J'ai les cheveux blonds et une moustache.

Mon meilleur ami est tres gros. Il s'appelle Obelix.

Je deteste Jules Cesar!

Monday, 5 November 2012

3s cartoon!

3S have been practising the possible conversations between these two characters. It was much fun working in groups! Listen to the final result! Ecoutez! 3S
Slide 1:
Voice Recorder >> Slide 2:
Audio recording software >> Slide 3:
Record and upload voice >> Slide 4:
Audio recording and upload >>

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

La Branche Blog is getting famous!

Our French blog is getting some recognition on the internet and lists on the frenchteacher website:
MERCI et merci to the boys for their great work en francais!! :)

Saturday, 27 October 2012

French challenge : 29 octobre

Record music and voice >>
Can you guess what famous festival coming up soon does the following poem talk about??

Dans la maison hantée,
Une sorcière,
Dans la maison hantée,
Un monstre vert.

Dans la maison hantée,
Pas de lumière,
Dans la maison hantée,
Je veux ma mère!

Dans la maison hantée,
Une citrouille,
Dans la maison hantée,
J'ai la trouille!

Dans la maison hantée,
Une chauve-souris.
Dans la maison hantée,
Un monstre gris.

Dans la maison hantée,
Un squelette bouge,
Dans la maison hantée,
Un monstre rouge.

Dans la maison hantée,
Je ne vois rien,
Dans la maison hantée,
C’est bien!

REPONSE: Halloween!!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Year 6: at the restaurant

There are three mistakes on the waiter's order!!
Can you listen to Mark's recording and correct them before the Chef cooks it!!

hors d'oeuvre: melon et pate 
plat principal: steak, frites et petits pois 
du fromage 
dessert : gateau

Year 5 : what does Bob have in his bag? List it below for a prize!

Year 3 : numbers game and song!

Remember to revise your numbers this half term! Click on the following game:

And here is a really catchy song on age (I am sure your parents will thank me for it!)

Year 4 : word attack game on months!

Remember to revise your months:

January        = janvier               
February      = fĂ©vrier          
March          = mars                   
April            = avril                     
May             = mai                    
June            = juin            
July             = juillet              
August         = aoĂ»t                
September   = septembre       
October       = octobre             
November     = novembre          
December     = dĂ©cembre

Then try playing the game! You have to type the months in French (put without the accents to keep it simple and remember, no capital letters!)

Year 5 : school objects masculine or feminine?

Can you list the new items of vocabulary? Can you think of MORE words not mentioned in the game?

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Year 3: percentage game on age, play it at home!

Try to guess your partner's combination by saying the sentences!

1. Je m'appelle Jacques            A. et j'ai six ans.
2. Je m'appelle Max                 B. et j'ai huit ans.
3. Je m'appelle Fred                 C. et j'ai sept ans.

Here is an example by 3C:

Monday, 8 October 2012

French challenge 8 october

Listen and find out how old Marie is! (remember to write your answer in the comments with your name, or to write it on a sheet of paper!!)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

5B: poster on famous people introducing themselves in French

What can you learn about the different people?

Which one is your favourite poster?

Monday, 1 October 2012

French challenge - 1er octobre

Every week, I will put a French challenge for all the boys to guess, the boys who answer the most challenges correctly in the half term will get a French certificate, to be announced at assembly!
Answer in the comments below, remember to write your first name and form!

So here is the first French challenge: (and test your Maths on the way!)

un + trois + cinq - deux = ???

Bonne chance!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Year 3: pronunciation of the alphabet

Can you know spell out your name in French?

And here is a funny song suggested by Adam's mum, merci!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Year 5: phonetics /in/ sound

Zach C. recorded the /in/ sound in the following words:
And a mystery boy sent me the following recording: If he made himself known, he would earn a few merits! :)... Yay! We found him, well done Ed!!

Year 6: food game and rhyming shopping list

What is the correct form of "some" for the following words? Play the game!

Jake in 6H wrote a rhyming shopping list: 
- le poisson 
- les champignons 
- les oignons 

 - l'oeuf 
- le boeuf 

 - la courgette 
- la tartelette 

 - le fromage 
- le potage 

 Can you think of more rhymes?? Write them in the comment box below! :)

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Numbers pronunciation 0-30

1 un                 11 onze                    21 vingt-et-un
2 deux              12 douze                 22 vingt-deux
3 trois               13 treize                  23 vingt-trois
4 quatre            14 quatorze             24 vingt-quatre
5 cinq               15 quinze                25 vingt-cinq
6 six                  16 seize                  26 vingt-six
7 sept                 17 dix-sept             27 vingt-sept
8 huit                  18 dix-huit            28 vingt-huit
9 neuf                 19 dix-neuf           29 vingt-neuf
10 dix                 20 vingt                30 trente

Monday, 17 September 2012

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Year 6: wallwisher

Year 6 can send me post it notes on what they would like to achieve in French this year and any ideas for lessons. Get typing on my wall!
Merci! :)

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Bonjour a tous!

Welcome to all!
This is the new French blog 2012-13... and it is still under construction!
If you would like to play some French games, look at the work of the boys next year or simply brush up on your French, you can visit last year's blog on
Au revoir!
Mrs C

Monday, 10 September 2012

Year 3: greetings

Here are the French greetings we have learnt so far:

Hello = bonjour
Hi and bye = salut
See you soon = a bientot
Goodbye = au revoir
How are you? = ca va?
I am well = ca va bien

Here is a little video on the pronunciation of greetings:

Are you ready to listen to Mimi le Chat?