
Bonjour et bienvenue!
Welcome back to the UCS JB French blog 2012-13!
You will find a lot of fun activities, song and games but also examples of work. Remember to leave kind comments and only write your FIRST name. Enjoy!
Merci et au revoir!

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Year 6: ma routine

1.   je me lave              = I wash
2.   je me douche         = I have a shower
3.   je me lève              = I get up
4. je rentre a la maison    = I return home
5.   je me brosse les dents   = I brush my teeth
6.   je prends mon petit déjeuner       = I have my breakfast
7.   je m’habille                   = I get dressed
8.   je me couche                 = I go to bed

Year 5: vocab on positions

on - sur
under - sous
in - dans
in front of - devant
behind - derriere
between - entre

Year 4 : vocab in town - to learn

The school= l'école (F)                     
The church = l'église (F)                     The coffee place = le café (M)
The station = la gare (F)                    The hotel = l'hôtel (M)
The post office = la poste (F)             The town hall = l'hôtel de ville (M)
The swimming pool = la piscine (F)        The park = le parc (M)
The bank = la banque (F)                     The museum = le musée (M)
The library = la bibliothèque               The cinema = le cinéma (M)

The trickest ones are underlined... What memory tips can you give yourself to remember them??

Year 3: vocab revision of the dates

Monday        = lundi                          
Tuesday       = mardi                 
Wednesday   = mercredi            
Thursday      = jeudi                  
Friday         = vendredi             
Saturday      = samedi              
Sunday         = dimanche              

January       = janvier               
February      = février              
March          = mars                  
April           = avril                          
May             = mai                    
June            = juin                   
July            = juillet                
August         = août                  
September    = septembre          
October       = octobre              
November     = novembre            
December     = décembre

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


This is the only approved method for vocabulary learning!

From now on, the vocabulary that we learn in class every week will be on the French blog and on Edmodo, as I have noticed that this is something that boys do not always do is regularly learn their vocab... :(
The boys will have to learn items of vocabulary EVERY week and WRITE them in their book AS PART OF THEIR HOMEWORK. This should take about 10 to 15 mins of the allocated time. If it takes longer, please let me know and I will reduce the amount to be learnt.

We have discussed in class how to learn vocabulary, but here are some useful links for home:

Good luck, bonne chance!!

Year 4: song about the places in town

How does she go to school? (answer in French!!)

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Year 5: positions

Can you describe where things are in this classroom??
For example: la trousse est sur la table.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Year 6 : my opinion of school subjects.

Longest sentence challenge:

What school subjects does CoolBear like??

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Year 6: differences between school in France and in England

Here is what we are going to learn this topic:

Year 6 are doing some research to find out the differences between school life in France and in England. Here are two useful links for their research: and
Here is the timetable of a Year 6 class in France

What do YOU think? Would you rather go to school in France or in England??

Bonne annee 2013!!

Wishing all the boys, their parents and families: BONNE ANNEE 2013!!