
Bonjour et bienvenue!
Welcome back to the UCS JB French blog 2012-13!
You will find a lot of fun activities, song and games but also examples of work. Remember to leave kind comments and only write your FIRST name. Enjoy!
Merci et au revoir!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Year 5: The Queen Avoir

She wants to hAVe it all!

To have           = avoir
I have              = J’ai               We have          = nous avons
You have         = tu as             You have         = vous avez
He has             = il a                They (B) have = ils ont
She has            =  elle a            They (G) have            = elles ont
One has           = on a

Remember to make a new song to help you remember it. Here is one example of the song: 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Year 4: journalistes en ville

The Year 4 are doing some surveys based on their "en ville" poster and using Excel. We have first recorded the modes of transport using a tally chart and then inserted a chart (somehow pie is the favourite, I don't know why!) to show the final results!
Comment vas-tu a l'hotel?

Here are some possible answers to use for your homework survey: "Comment vas-tu a l'ecole?"

Audio recording >>

Year 6: adjectival agreement

Rules about the adjectives in French:
- they generally go after the noun they describe
- they agree with the noun (if feminine, masculine plural, feminine plural...)
Play this game to practise:

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Year 5 rocks: listen to these amazing verb "to be" songs!

"Thrift Etre" by Jake G, Harry and Raph: 
Record music with Vocaroo >>
"Etre means to be in French" by Leo:
Record music and voice >>

"Sometimes I speak to myself" by Jake:

"Follow this Principle" by Solomon: 
Record music and voice >>

"Bonne Journee" by Harrison: 
Audio recording >>
"And that's Etre" by Zack C: 
Audio recording >>
"To a Friend" by Julian:  
Audio recording >>

"We will ETRE you" by Giorgio:
Link to the amazing lyrics:

"Etre etre etre" by Marshall:

Record and upload audio >>

"Skyfall To Be" by Lucas B in 5B:

Voice Recorder >>

"French Verb To Be" by Oli J

Record and upload audio >>  Which song is your favourite??

Friday, 15 February 2013

Year 4: ma ville

Here are some lovely examples of the towns the boys made in French, using places in town and modes of transport.
Je vais à l'école en avion!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Year 6: vocab on clothes - les vetements - week 11 feb

1. un jogging          - jogging trousers
2. un pantalon        - trousers
3. un short            - shorts
4. un pull               - a jumper
5. un T-shirt         - a T-shirt

6. une basket         - a trainer
7. une casquette     - a cap
8. une chaussette   - a sock
9. une chaussure     - a shoe
10. une cravate      - a tie
11. une jupe            - a skirt
12. une robe           - a dress

Can you now name the clothes on the picture? Are there some new words you can look up in the dictionary?

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Year 5: half term verb to be revision

Go to
Go to Francais - Encore Tricolore 1 section- Unit 5 - ex7 to 11

Funny song to help you remember the verb!! (try making your own song to help you if you don't like this one!!)

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Year 4: help for your speaking presentation

Ou habites-tu?

1. J'habite à  Londres  en Angleterre.

2. C'est une ville en Angleterre.

Je suis anglais.

Voice Recorder >>

A Londres, il y a l'eglise et le stade.

Audio recording software >>

Je vais a l'ecole en metro.
Je vais au stade en voiture.
Je vais au Bresil en avion.

Online recording software >>
Record music with Vocaroo >>

Let's hear more good examples:

Record music with Vocaroo >>
Audio recording and upload >>

Year 6 : les activités vocab 4-8 Feb

1. To read - lire
2. To swim - nager
3. To fish - pêcher
4. To watch tv - regarder la télé
5. To listen to music - écouter de la musique
6. To play football - jouer au foot
7. To play chess - jouer aux échecs
8. To ride a bike - faire du vélo
9. To ride a horse - faire du cheval
10. To play hockey - jouer au hockey

Play the game on activities!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Year 5: verb to be 4-8 Feb.

To be - être
I am - je suis
You are - tu es
He is - il est
She is - elle est
We are - on est
We are (formal) - nous sommes
You are (formal) - vous êtes
They are (masc) - ils sont
They are (fem) - elles sont

Monday, 4 February 2013

Year 5: fabuleux posters ma maison!

Poster 1

Poster 2

Poster 3

Poster 4

Poster 5

Poster 6

Poster 7

Poster 8

Poster 9

Poster 10