You will find a lot of fun activities, song and games but also examples of work. Remember to leave kind comments and only write your FIRST name. Enjoy!
The Year 5 will be given their part for the French play tomorrow and will have to read their lines and learn them over the Easter holidays. If you are stuck with the pronunciation of the words, listen to the following recordings, divided in scenes of the play.
Have your script whilst you listen, cross out the letters that you would not pronounce and annotate the pronunciation to remember it in class!
Good luck!
What is the time? - Quelle heure est-il?
1:00 il est une heure
1:05 il est une heure cinq
1:15 il est une heure et quart
1:20 il est une heure vingt
1:30 il est une heure et demie
1:35 il est deux heures moins vingt-cinq
1:45 il est deux heures moins le quart
1:50 il est deux heures moins dix
12:00 il est midi
0:00 il est minuit
I have been contacted by a lovely teacher in America who designed an application to help her bilingual pupils learn verbs, or any pupil wanting to improve their grammar skills!
We have used this app in French club and the boys rewlly enjoyed it, especially listening to the very sweet French voice giving the instructions.
Here is it
You first discover all the meanings of the verb (with pronunciation) and then play different games for practise!
And here is the pedagogy behind it (for other teachers out there!)
Don't hesitate to contact Anne-Sophie with feedback and for a promotional code:
THE PRESENT OF THE –RE VERBS To sell VENDRE Je vends Tu vends Il/elle/on vend Nous vendons Vous vendez Ils/elles vendent Some useful -re verbs to learn: Descendre = to go down Attendre = to wait (for) Repondre = to reply Vendre = to sell Etendre = to spread Practise online: Section Francais Section Encore Tricolore 2 On Fait du Shopping exercice 11 and 12