
Bonjour et bienvenue!
Welcome back to the UCS JB French blog 2012-13!
You will find a lot of fun activities, song and games but also examples of work. Remember to leave kind comments and only write your FIRST name. Enjoy!
Merci et au revoir!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Year 4: la meteo

1. It is beautiful        il fait beau
2. It is hot              il fait chaud
3. It is cold              il fait froid
4. It is bad                  il fait mauvais

5. It is sunny                il fait du soleil
6. It is windy                il fait du vent

7. There are some clouds   il y a des nuages
8. There are some showers il y a des averses

9. There is some fog        il y a du brouillard

10. It is freezing            il gele
11. It is snowing             il neige
12. It is raining              il pleut

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